Saturday, November 30, 2019

Shakespere`S Othello Essays - Othello, English-language Films

Shakespere`S Othello In all of Shakespeare's great novels there are many experiences, tragic or otherwise that one can learn from. Shakespeare's novel Othello is not an exception this rule. Throughout Othello there are many examples of mistakes made by the characters that a reader can learn from. Learning from the flaws of others is one way that one can learn form Shakespeare's Othello. In the novel Othello there are many of these flaws throughout the story. There are many ways one can learn from the novel Othello. The major theme throughout Othello is that a man named Othello has made the mistake of letting his emotions get in the way of his reasoning. In the novel the main character Othello is a intelligent, well educated, worldly man that should not have let his emotions get the best of him. This is one example of a learning experience that is brought up in Othello that illustrates how one should not let emotions overpower reasoning. The theme throughout Othello seems to be that the wise Othello has l et his emotions get the best of him. A character named Iago has stirred up Othello's emotions. Iago was shown throughout the novel telling Othello lies about his wife and friends. Othello started to see this as the truth. Othello was seemingly brain washed by Iago, into believing that his wife was unfaithful and his friends had betrayed him. This is another example of a learning experience that was brought forth in the novel Othello. The tragic flaw that Othello possessed was the combination of these two flaws. This is what Shakespeare seems to express as the most important moral experience that occurred in Othello. The combination of emotions such as jealousy and distrust made Othello make harsh decisions based purely on emotion. These emotions were brought on by the character Iago forcing his lies on to Othello. Shakespeare shows through these experience not just Othello's flaws but one of mans own tragic flaws. Another less major flaw that was Shakespeare brought forward in his n ovel Othello was the issue of rushing into things. Othello and Desdemona rushing into marriage illustrate this. This again is an example of emotion. The act of eloping seems to be done when the two are in the heat of passion. Again Othello has let his emotions get the best of him. In Shakespeare's Othello, there are many examples of mistakes made because of raw emotions. Othello has many faults that are shown throughout the course of the novel. Although Othello seems to have many of these faults his major fault is that he lets his emotions get the best of him. Shakespeare explores the way that emotions get the best of people in his play. The major learning experienced throughout the play is that one must control ones emotions. Shakespeare shows that even a seemingly great man such as Othello can let emotions dictate what he is going to do. This is what one can learn from Othello. Shakespeare

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Legalization of Industrialized Hemp †Science Essay

Legalization of Industrialized Hemp – Science Essay Free Online Research Papers Traditionally, the government has been against the legalization of hemp due to fear that growers could use the guise of hemp’s many attributes to disguise the THC content in Hemp. This is an archaic stance and the government’s near sightedness on this issue, hinders America from reaping the many benefit’s of industrialized hemp production. An example of industrialized hemp productions benefits is using hemp cellulose matter to replace wood products helping save our ever-shrinking national forests. Another benefit of hemp production is the environmental superiority of hemp-based clothing over traditional cotton based products. Advantages to the legalization of industrialized hemp far outweigh the government’s opposition to the proposal. Senator Cantwell, congress should move to legalize industrialized hemp production now. Researchers have proven that using hemp cellulose matter to replace wood products could very well become a viable option in the fight to save our depleting national forests. Construction products such as medium density fiber board, oriented strand board, and even studs and posts could be made out of hemp. Because of hemp’s long fibers, the products will be stronger and/or lighter than those made of wood (worrell). Another fact which requires serious consideration, one acre of hemp (grown in a single season) yields as much paper as up to four acres of trees (which take many more years to grow) (soiferman). Another side of the debate that should be given some reflection is the difference in the environmental effects of processing wood as opposed to hemp. Most notable of these differences is the chemical requirements of pulping both hemp and wood. For example, because of hemp’s low lignin content, it can be pulped using fewer chemicals than wood. Hemp’s natural brightness can obviate the need to use chlorine bleach, which means no extremely toxic dioxin being dumped into streams. A kinder and gentler chemistry using hydrogen pero xide rather than chlorine dioxide is possible with hemp fibers (worrell). One positive effect of the environmentally safer chemical processes is the fact the run off water from the processing plant could be used to irrigate future crops of the plant. This is important because any chemicals we allow to run off from our nation’s factories find their way into our water tables, and possibly into our livestock’s water supplies. By limiting the amount of water resources we are forced to use processing hemp, we can limit the environmental footprint of these facilities. By fully exploring the various ways hemp could be used to replace wood products our generation would be responsible for saving our precious forests. Before we can take an educated stance on the differences between hemp and cotton we would first have to look at the chemical requirements of growing each crop. To begin with, cotton crops in the United States occupy 1% of the country’s farmland but use 50% of all pesticides (soiferman). Fifty percent of all pesticides used in the United States is alarming when you take into consideration just how many different crops the United States grows each year. Hemp grows well in a variety of climates and soil types opening opportunities to new farming markets. Hemp is naturally resistant to most pests, precluding the need for pesticides. It grows tightly spaced, out-competing any weeds, so herbicides are not necessary. Hemp also leaves a weed-free field for a following crop (worrell). The use of pesticides has adversely affected the very health of our planet, and it is important to mention we as a society are still discovering the true devastation our choices are having on our s urroundings. The pesticides and synthetic fertilizers used on cotton routinely contaminate groundwater, surface water, and pollute the water we drink. Fish, birds and other wildlife are also affected by the movement of these chemicals through the ecosystem (lotusorganics). Between hemp’s ability to grow virtually anywhere, and the proven environmental benefits of not requiring chemicals to sustain a crop, we owe it to ourselves to give hemp the chance it deserves. Now that the environmental differences between hemp and cotton have been described, products made from both hemp and cotton should be examined. The differences in products are very clear, hemp is four times warmer than cotton, four times more water absorbent, and has three times the tensile strength of cotton (soiferman). Hemp is also many times more durable and is naturally flame retardant (soiferman). Over the last few years hemp has begun to establish itself in the world’s clothing market with name brand manufactures taking advantage of foreign grown hemp to produce their products. Many high fashion clothing manufactures have produced clothes and footwear made with hemp, some of these manufactures include Nike, Converse, Armani, Patagonia, Polo Ralph Lauren, Oscar de la Renta and many more (soiferman). Recently a pro cotton organization posted some disturbing facts regarding the growing and production of cotton products. A staff member at Lotus organics was quoted as saying; The simple act of conventionally growing and harvesting the one pound of cotton fiber needed to make a T-shirt takes an enormous and devastating toll on the earth’s air, water, and soil that impacts global health. Also, policies and practices within the cotton industry from crop subsidies to garment sweatshops create poverty and misery that stretch around the world. Cotton industry trade organizations such as Cotton Incorporated spend millions and millions of dollars attempting to convince American consumers of the hoax that conventional chemical cotton is pure and friendly to the health of the wearer (lotusorganics). It is of utmost importance that information detailing both the pros and cons of each crop be examined prior to the making of decisions regarding the crops futures. When taking into account the advantages of any new technology it is important to understand all facts surrounding both sides of an issue to prevent misconceptions. Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, and other cannabiniods are found in food and other products made from fiber hemp seed. THC is the chemical element which gives Marijuana its analgesic effects. The government’s stance on THC is clearly defined within the controlled substances (CSA) act of 1970, and it is the job of Americas Drug Enforcement Agency, or DEA, to assure no products containing THC are sold for human consumption in the United States. When congress wrote the CSA in 1970, it provided anything that contains â€Å"any quantity† of a schedule 1 hallucinogenic controlled substance is, itself a Schedule 1 controlled substance, unless it is an FDA-approved drug product. Thus, the CSA prohibits human consumption of any non-FDA-approved product that contains any amount of THC. Today’s rule s reiterate this long-standing aspect of federal law (usdoj). Since THC and the over 60 other cannabiniods are fat-soluble, i.e., store themselves in the fatty tissues of the brain and body, even a very small amount may be damaging, especially if ingested regularly (mcdougal). At this time the basis of arguments for the legalization of industrialized hemp in the United States have nothing to do with promoting consumption of hemp products. First and foremost it is imperative that we not rule out the many possible attributes of this ancient plant simply because a select group of individuals want to get high. Hemp is in fact a member of the Cannabis Sativa family of plants; however, the THC content in industrialized hemp is so minute it would be virtually impossible to get high by consuming or smoking the plant. Industrialized hemp has a THC content between 0.05% and 1%. Marijuana has a THC content of 3% to 20%. To receive a standard psychoactive dose would require a person to power smoke 10-12 hemp cigarettes over a matter of minutes. The large volume and high temperature of vapor, gas, and smoke would be almost impossible for a person to stand (worrell). Under current legislation citizens across America are being held to a grievous double standard. It is currently illegal to grow industrial hemp for food, oil, paper or fabric in the united states of America, but it is perfectly legal to export hemp to the united states and to process, consume and wear it there (soiferman). Last year, Canadian farmers planted 48,060 acres of hemp. Government statistics say Manitoba and Saskatchewan, the provinces along North Dakotas northern border, were Canadas biggest hemp producers (Wetzel). The United States current policy does not pass any logic test. Why is it our government thus far has been unable to move past the stereotypes, and offer the American public the same opportunities we give to the countries exporting hemp into America? By moving past the stereotypes and giving serious consideration to the legalization of industrialized hemp, America now has an opportunity to become an active participant in the saving of forests and reducing pollution. Through the use of hemp, we as a society could again be credited with advanced thought, and ingenuity which is after all just a few of the many attributes which distinguish each of us as Americans in the first place. Listed in the body of this letter are but a few of the many contributions industrialized hemp could offer our country, and I am confident hemp could if given the chance, surprise us all with more contributions to our economy and environment. To refuse the many possibilities hemp could offer would not only be a huge step in the wrong direction, but years down the road such a decision would be likened to the stance America once held on the futile possibilities of recycling garbage. . Works cited â€Å"Cotton: From Field to Fashion Facts Behind the Fiber†. , Oct 2005, . â€Å"DEA Issues Final Rules On Cannabis Products†. Mar, . McDougal, Jeanette. MM, CCDP, Chair Aug 2000. â€Å"Cannabis Hemp THC in the food supply† Hemp committee, Drug Watch Intl., . Soiferman, Ezra. Sept 2005. â€Å"Hemp Facts†, . Wetzel, Dale. â€Å"Lawmaker Holds Hope in Hemp.† State Legislatures Mar. 2007: 37. Research Library Core. ProQuest. 8 Mar 2007. . Worrell, E., Phylipsen, D., Einstein, D., Martin, N. Apr. 2000. â€Å"Energy Use and Energy Intensity of the US Chemical Industry.† Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory., . Research Papers on Legalization of Industrialized Hemp - Science EssayGenetic EngineeringTwilight of the UAWThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationPETSTEL analysis of IndiaDefinition of Export QuotasCapital PunishmentRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andOpen Architechture a white paperIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Friday, November 22, 2019

Consecuencias de no presentarse a una cita con USCIS

Consecuencias de no presentarse a una cita con USCIS Si un migrante recibe una citacià ³n del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) para presentarse en una de sus oficinas tiene la obligacià ³n de acudir a la misma el dà ­a y a la hora indicada. Sin embargo, si no puede presentarse en esa fecha, puede intentar cambiarla.  ¿Para quà © envà ­a el USCIS la citacià ³n? El USCIS puede enviar una carta (appointment letter, en inglà ©s) para comparecer en un Centro de Apoyo de Aplicaciones (ASC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) o en una de sus oficinas, conocidas como Field Offices. La razà ³n es que necesitan entrevistar a la persona citada o realizar otra labor sobre una solicitud o aplicacià ³n pendiente. Por ejemplo: examen para la adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a americana por naturalizacià ³ntoma de huellas digitales y otros datos biomà ©tricosentrevista de esposos para remocià ³n de condiciones de green card, etc. Quà © hay que hacer si no se puede acudir a la cita con el USCIS el dà ­a seà ±alado En primer lugar, deben seguirse las instrucciones que puede haber en la carta en la que se hacà ­a la citacià ³n. Probablemente, se pida el envà ­o de una carta explicando la razà ³n para cambiar la fecha. Adems, si habà ­a que presentarse en un Field Office se puede llamar al telà ©fono de Servicio al Cliente marcando al 800-375-5283. Si se tiene problemas auditivos, se puede utilizar el servicio TDD llamando al 1800-767-1833. En todos los casos, la razà ³n para pedir un cambio de la cita debe ser urgente y grave. Ser el propio USCIS quien decide si acepta o no posponer la cita. Y tambià ©n si hay que mostrarle evidencia de la razà ³n por la que se solicita el cambio es cierta. Cabe destacar que, frecuentemente, en los casos en los que USCIS pospone la fecha lo hace por menos de 30 dà ­as aunque depende de la carga de trabajo de la oficina correspondiente. Consecuencias del cambio de dà ­a en la citacià ³n Si el USCIS est de acuerdo en cambiar la fecha de citacià ³n, la à ºnica consecuencia del cambio es que se producir un pequeà ±o retraso en la tramitacià ³n de la aplicacià ³n. Adems, dependiendo del caso es posible que niegue temporalmente el derecho a recibir algà ºn tipo de beneficios. Sin embargo, si el USCIS no accede a cambiar la cita  y, a pesar de eso, la persona citada no acude es posible que eso signifique la negacià ³n de la solicitud o peticià ³n que se està © tramitando. Obligacià ³n de notificar el cambio de domicilio Nunca se podr alegar ante el USCIS que no se recibià ³ la notificacià ³n para presentarse en sus oficinas porque hubo un cambio de vivienda  y no se recibià ³ la carta en la nueva si no se ha notificado el cambio de domicilio.   Todos los extranjeros que estn legalmente en Estados Unidos por ms de 30 dà ­as tienen la obligacià ³n de informar al USCIS de todos sus cambios de domicilio permanentes, es decir, no por vacaciones. La regla general es llenar y enviar el formulario AR-11, que se puede descargar gratuitamente de la pgina oficial de USCIS o llenar electrà ³nicamente en la misma. Cabe destacar que los estudiantes internacionales y sus familiares con visa F-2  y los visitantes extranjeros con visas de intercambio J-1 y sus derivados J-! tienen sus propias normas. Finalmente, esta obligacià ³n de notificar los cambios de domicilio tambià ©n aplica a los ciudadanos estadounidenses que han firmado un affidavit of support en favor de un familiar o amigo en el proceso de peticià ³n de una tarjeta de residencia. Informacià ³n importante a tener en cuenta Si USCIS cita a un migrante indocumentado es recomendable asesorarse con un abogado. En la situacià ³n actual que vive el paà ­s se han dado casos de detenciones en oficinas migratorias. No confundir las consecuencias de no presentarse a una cita con el USCIS a las de no acudir a una cita con la Corte de Inmigracià ³n. Esta à ºltima es muy grave ya que podrà ­a suponer una declaracià ³n de una orden de deportacià ³n in absentia.   Finalmente, si un migrante no se siente cà ³modo hablando en inglà ©s y tiene una entrevista en Inmigracià ³n, puede ir con un intà ©rprete. Puntos Clave: Cita con USCIS Si un migrante recibe una carta de USCIS citndole a una de sus oficinas debe presentarse o intentar un cambio de fecha.El cambio de fecha se solicita siguiendo las instrucciones de la carta en la que USCIS notifica la cita. Siempre debe ser por causas justificadas.Si el USCIS accede al cambio de fecha, frecuentemente pospondr la cita un mximo de 30 dà ­as.Si un migrante no se presenta a una cita, su solicitud puede ser negada.Los migrantes deben comunicar a USCIS los cambios de domicilio, excepto por vacaciones. Esta regla no aplica a indocumentados. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2-way mixed ANOVA Schizotypy practical report protocol Essay

2-way mixed ANOVA Schizotypy practical report protocol - Essay Example These findings were consistent with the theories put forth that a diagnosis of schizophrenia is made by a high score on deviating from normal emotional indications, as well as the theories that schizophrenics tend to have cognitive deficits with regards to context processing, and not as many cognitive deficits with regards to spatial processing. Schizophrenia is an illness that is characterized by a number of neurocognitive impairments, including impairments in attention, executive functioning, and verbal and non-verbal memory. (Gooding & Braun 261). Failure in logical reasoning is also a hallmark of schizophrenia (Tsanikos 1717), as is emotional disturbance (Yoon et al. 2008). Schizotypal personality disorder (SPD) is often associated with schizophrenia, and some theories state that schizophrenia and SPD share the same genetic liability, with environmental stressors being a leading cause of SPD turning into schizophrenia. (Olin et al. 93). Research has shown that schizophrenics tend to perform poorly on tasks that involve sustained attention. (Rawlings & Goldberg 2001) (Hoff & Kremen 2003). This would affect the participants, as the spatial reasoning portion of the study was timed, therefore it would be predicted that the higher on the schizotypal scale the participant is, the lower he or she would score on the spatial reasoning scale. Research has also established a positive correlation between schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorder and emotional disturbance. (Yoon et al. 2008). Yoons study of participants who scored high on the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire (SPQ) found a positive correlation for depression, anxiety and anger, and a negative correlation for mood clarity and mood repair. (Yoon et al. 2008). This is backed up by other research. For instance, Kohler (2003) has shown that schizophrenics have difficulty reading facial

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

An Innovative premium brand in WestQue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

An Innovative premium brand in WestQue - Essay Example This includes an overview of diverse categories of retail businesses in WestQue, purchasing behaviour of the people of Southampton who are frequent visitors of shopping centre, demand of retail products etc. Analysis of these areas will help to assess the need of a new business in this retail park and also viability of the new business will be discussed on the basis of market analysis of WestQue. Swot analysis of the new business will also be developed to analyse the internal factors of this business like strengths and weaknesses of the business with respect two main external factors like opportunities and threats. The new business also needs effective market campaign to make awareness of their products and services and even the presence of this business in the shopping centre. So, effective market campaign will also be recommended based on the market analysis. Overview of market profile for West Quay Shopping Centre Since the inauguration day, shoppers entered through the doors on 2 8th September, 2008, accessibility and availability of all common needs of visitors has been the main focus at WestQuay in Southampton. In only one decade, it has established itself as one of the largest and leading destination of best shopping experience of the consumers. This retail park has received more than 120 million visitors since the opening day. WestQue has huge retail space of 800000 square feet which consists of two departmental stores and around 100 shops including top most retail brands like Marks & Spencer, Joan Lewis, Schuh, Zara, Holister Co, Waterstones, Apple and many more popular domestic as well as international brands. This shopping centre is situated in centre of Southampton city. It has entrance on the high street named Above Bar Street on Portland terrace. Apart from accessibility of so many popular retail brands, another attractive feature of this retail park is its multi storey car parking. Another attractive feature of this retail hub is its use of geothe rmal energy which is application of high technology. The owners of this leading retail hub is Hammerson Plc, a 100 FTSE company which has been developing and managing retail destination or shopping centres for more than fifty years in Europe. WestQuay commits to welcome visitors cum consumers through divers accessibility and availability of retail goods. The root cause of growing attraction of the potential consumers towards this shopping centre is the capital and physical investment from major retail brands from domestic and international market. Quality of shopping experience has been increasing due to the comprehensive training program for the staffs. This retail hub has rewarded with clutch of awards for better shopping experience of the satisfied customers. WestQue runs through 70 directly employed staffs which include a large team for high security and better customer assistance. The objective of these training programs is to ensure quality advice, support and assistance for t he visitors during trading hours. A comprehensive shop mobility scheme is the main focus of facility and services at WestQue. This shop mobility scheme is operated through a unit located in the centre of this shopping mall. Electronic way findings systems for visually impaired people and induction loops throughout public mall areas and 32 open lifts around the building are the main features

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Psychology and Stress Essay Example for Free

Psychology and Stress Essay In our world today there are factors that make our life a little more difficult. We all go through these frustrations every day and some more than other are affected by them. These factors come in many different forms, yet they all lay under one category, it is called stress. Stress can impact a person physically, emotionally and, may be reasonable for people’s actions out of the norm. Setting up a stress management plan is a good way to find out how to overcome this problem in our everyday lives. Stress can be addressed through finding out what type of stress it is, how it impacts our bodies, and how to deal with stress. First of all stress can be managed just by finding out what type of stress is the cause. Stress causes our bodies to react to event that can be good or bad. According to Melinda Smith, M.A., Robert Segal, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D. authors of the article on Understanding Stress, explains the course our bodies take during stress. Our bodies can kick into super hero mode and take us out of danger this is called â€Å"fight or flight†. Our bodies own defenses want to save our lives by confronting the problem or getting away. This can further lead on to cause conflict in our lives. One type of stress that causes this is Acute Stress. This type of stress is cause by a full force event. This can lead to after-effects reoccurring for one month. A study was conducted by the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, People’s Republic of China, with this study consisted of analyzing acute stress. The researchers took people with acute stress and tested patients on different levels of symptoms. The study came up with a scale; six dimensions and symptoms a person my experience. The results were helpful to better assist the degree of stress a person has. Also they connected how acute stress could lead to Post Traumatic Syndrome. It’s very important to find good consisting research to be able to find the proper treatment for each person. The next step to manage stress is the impact it has on a person. How could this affect a person’s health in a positive or a negative way. An example of acute stress is a person who has experienced an earthquake afterwards has nightmares of being in the situation again. Their body is responding to emotional impact this event had on them. If we were to go back into the moment the event happened, we would be able to see how stress got this person to react and out of the situation to save their life. People go through a moments of being unstoppable like the hulk. The body gives a person strength and increase other senses to escape. That’s a good way our body response in a time of need. After the fact is when problems start, that can change a person’s life. If this problem is not addressed lead to psychological and mental issues. Stress can start with symptoms of cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral (Smith, Segal, Segal). This is why people have different be haviors out of the ordinary. Also how important it is to know how much is too much stress (Smith, Segal, Segal). Letting a person get this far can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, depression and many other issues. Lastly finding steps to manage stress is the key. Finding a good plan that works for each person is a must. For example if a person gets stuck at the end of the line at the store and is late for work can be frustrating. People have to learn see the stressors and talk their way out of it. Tell them self’s its ok, review the situation and come to decision. At the end you’re the one who gets mad and then have to get happy again. So if a person starts from the beginning there’s so much that could be avoided. Another example is the people that were in 911 that had acute stress. This event was affecting many in different forms. Seeking treatment with a psychologist would help with the ordeal. Discussing the feelings behind the event helped many overcome their acute stress. In addition a good way to overcome stress comes from the article of Stress Management Health Center. The article notes how relax a person mind by writing, show a person’s emotions, and getting busy by destructions. This type of mental health treatment focuses on reliving the tension one carries. Taking walks, keeping an exercise plan to help focus the energy in another direction, these goals are good to maintain health balanced. A person may also due mediation to easy be the body and relax the mind. They can slowly start to change their outlook on life in more positive way. This can help with so much stress one deal with on a daily bases. In conclusion stress can be managed by taking control over lives by finding out what type of stress a person has, how it affects a person, and by learning to deal with it. Learning what stress is and its affects a person’s life is very important to improving oneself. It’s also a way to target the factors that are negative and replaces them with positive ones. Working one’s health one step at a time can avoid stress that affects people every day. Also learning to relax and taking the time for one self, makes life easier on the soul. If we let stress take ownership we will never overcome it. References YEBING, Y., JINGJING, T., YUAN, J., XUFENG, L., YUNFENG, S., XIA, Z., DANMIN, M. (2011). DEVELOPMENT OF THE ACUTE STRESS RESPONSE SCALE. Social Behavior Personality: An International Journal, 39(5), 713-720. doi:10.2224/sbp.2011.39.5.713 Smith, Melinda, Robert Segal, and Jeanne Segal. Understanding Stress: Symptoms, Signs, Causes, and Effects. Expert, Ad-free Articles Help Empower You with Knowledge, Support Hope. Web. 07 Oct. 2011. Stuff. Techniques, Exercises and Therapies for Relieving Stress. WebMD Better Information. Better Health. Healthwise, 14 Oct. 2009. Web. 07 Oct. 2011.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Morality in Measure for Measure by Shakespeare Essay -- Measure for Me

Morality in Measure for Measure  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare's play, Measure for Measure, focuses on human morality. The play also explores the question of what kind of sexual conduct is socially acceptable, and what is not. The play depicts various attitudes toward prostitution, promiscuity, and premarital sex. But it also suggests that human laws and perhaps human morality are quite arbitrary and relative.    Measure for Measure considers the need for statutes and laws to govern sexual appetites and ensure domestic tranquility. But it also focuses on the conflict between human actions and human moral values, especially as it is manifest in the issue of seeming and being. The Duke himself notes the difference between appearance and reality as he speaks about his deputy Angelo, who appears to be the perfect deputy and the disciplined (even puritanical) character. Noting Angelos character, the Duke also questions the integrity of his inner and outer worlds:    Lord Angelo is precise; Stands at a guard with envy; scarce confesses That his blood flows, or that his appetite Is more to bread than stone: hence shall we see, If power change purpose, what our seemers be.    Angelo ultimately proves to be a seemer, one whose statements of virtue and self-control do not match his behavior. But to call him a hypocrite misses the mark: he is as surprised at his lust as anyone else, at least at its onset, and he questions his moral status at first. His virtue had always been quite real for him, and his slide into sin catches him off guard. When he finds himself lusting after Isabella, he exclaims with surprise,    What's this, what's this? Is this her fault or mine? The tempter or the tempted, who sins most? Ha! No... ... objective standards but by what the traffic will bear.    Works Cited Black, James. "The Unfolding of Measure for Measure." Shakespeare Survey 26 (1973): 119-28. Knight, G. Wilson. Shakespeare and Morality. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967. Leech, Clifford. "The 'Meaning' of Measure for Measure." Shakespeare Survey 3 (1950): 69-71. Milward, Peter. Shakespeare's Religious Background. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1973. New American Standard Bible. Reference ed. Chicago: Moody Press, 1975. Shakespeare, William. Measure for Measure. The Arden Shakespeare. Ed. J.W. Lever. London: Routledge, 1995. Thomas, Vivian.   The Moral Universe of Shakespeare's Problem Plays.   London: Croom Helm, 1987. Wilders, John.   "The Problem Comedies."   In Wells, Stanley, ed.   Shakespeare: Select Bibliographical Guides.   London: Oxford UP, 1973.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hidden Intellectualism Essay

In his essay â€Å"Hidden Intellectualism,† Gerald Graff argues that intellectualism is not something that can only be archived through proper education like school or college, but with subjects that people consider non academics as sports and cars. The writer considers â€Å"street smart† to those people who learn things outside of an academic environment, for example in the streets of their neighborhood. The writer argues that educators should let students decide on the subject that they are more interested to learn, this opened up possibilities for the student to excel in his academic environment as well as his own interests. To support his point the writer tell us his personal story of transformation from been a â€Å"street smart† to an intellectual. He explain the necessity of implementing hidden intellectualism into academic intellectualism by introducing a more academic approved vocabulary, while maintaining that same level of intellectualism used with the nonacademic interests of the students. For example the language that we use in street is not the same as the language we use inside a classroom. There for schools should encourage students to learn more academically, it doesn’t mean that students have to change their original ways of speaking rather add new ways to use it correctly. He also goes into depth about his own life and how he grew up.† I hated book and cared only for sports,† he states that he was more interested in sports than Shakespeare.†I was desperate for the approval of the hoods,† He talks about how he wanted to fit in with the â€Å"hoods† and also tries to be smart, but not show it too much, for fear of being beat up. These are excellent examples of how schools should try to tap into these hidden intellectualisms.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Huggies Mamy Poko Company Backgorund Essay

Kimberly Clark is founded in 1872 at Neenah, Wisconsin and is headquartered in Dallas, Texas. It is passionate about providing people with essentials for a better life by adding convenience to daily routines with some of the world’s most recognized products. Kimberly Clark has approximately 58,000 employees worldwide and operations in 36 countries. Its sales have increased to $21.1 billion in 2012. Kimberly Clark has many global brands and one of them is Huggies. Huggies diapers were first introduced by Kimberly Clark in 1978, and they’ve been improved nearly every year since. Refastenable diapers, breathable diapers and stretchy diapers are all Huggies firsts. At the controls of the Huggies innovation engine are everyday consumers. The art of understanding and anticipating consumer needs – sometimes before consumers do themselves – has led not only to product advances but the creation of whole new categories, businesses that didn’t exist before. In 1985, Huggies took leadership of the category for the first time, and has been the number one selling diaper in America since 1993. Today, Huggies brand introduces a demonstrably better product every year, and the imperative to innovate extends far beyond the Huggies diaper franchise. It’s no accident that Kimberly Clark offers consumers the number one or number two brand in 80 countries. Unicharm Corporation, MamyPoko Unicharm Corporation is a Japan-based company mainly engaged in the manufactured and sale of baby care products, feminine care products and pet care products. Unicharm is established on February 10, 1961. The company operates in three business segments. The personal care segment provides baby care related products, such paper diapers; feminine care related products, such as sanitary items, as well as healthcare related products, including incontinence articles for adults and powder puffs. The pet care segment provides pet food products and pet toiletry products. The others segment is engaged in the gravure printing, processing and sales business, as well as financial business. As of March 31, 2012, the company owned 40 consolidated subsidiaries and two associated companies. MamyPoko is a brand of the company Unicharm that focuses on pant-style diapers for babies. MamyPoko started manufacturing baby diapers since 1981. MamyPoko pants at present are sold in 14 Asian countries. MamyPoko pants come with a core that has maximum absorbent and moisture-locking capacity. MamyPoko diapers come in the following 3 types, MamyPoko tape diapers, extra soft fit and easy fit pants. Apart from manufacturing diapers, the brand also produces baby wipes, both in fragrant and non-fragrant varieties.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Europe and the Revolutions of 1848 essays

Europe and the Revolutions of 1848 essays From ancient times until well into the nineteenth century, people were often considered subjects (not citizens) of their states and countries. The people wanted to see a change, which is why socialism was discovered. Socialism focused its aim on economic, political, and social justice for all people. The possibility of achieving these aims was first envisioned in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. It was a time of extraordinary social and political upheaval. Socialism grew out of the French Revolution and its intellectual growth and demand for equal rights, absolute democracy, and the redistribution of property. Socialism was first developed because of the revolutionary impact capitalism had on European society. Capitalism first emerged late in the Middle Ages throughout the Industrial Revolution. Capitalism (or the market economy) broke all the social bonds that had been seen during the Middle Ages. The class structure, in which everyone had a fixed position and individual responsibilities in society, was demolished. For the first time, a large class of factory workers came forth whose livelihood depended on wages. They were considered to be deprived of property because they owned no means of production. The value of their labor was seized by the capitalists for profit, while at the same time, their wages were kept as low as possible. Socialists saw the possibility of class conflict in this new capitalist economic structure. The conflict that arose was between the number of exploited workers and their capitalist exploiters. Because of this conflict, the socialists predicted the eventual transfer of the ownership of private property (the means of production) from the owners to the workers. Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto discusses how a revolution could come about. Ever alert to ironies, Marx observes that it was the Industrial Revolution itself that had been organizing the workers most effectively. History, of cours...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Applying The Social Entrepreneurship Concept Commerce Essay

The aims of this undertaking is to place the societal entrepreneurship construct, to place the characteristics for ICE-Port as societal entreprenteurship construct and to plan the ICE-Port.The execution of this undertaking will be in 3 stages, job designation, demand and and analysis and besides plan phases.This undertaking is expected to finish within 2 semester.The awaited consequence of this undertaking would be ICE-Port paradigm and SDD. Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter discusses the undertaking background, job statement, purpose, aims, range and significance of the undertaking. The undertaking background presents the overview of proposed undertaking and the job statement will place the job occurs. Significance of the undertaking is besides stated in this chapter. 1.1 Undertaking Background. Entrepreneurship plans were conducted among university pupils in order to expose pupils to entrepreneurial values and accomplishments, which cover leading, invention, creativeness, resiliency, fight, independency, calculated hazard and the ability to place and make chances ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, n.d ) . To heighten the entrepreneurship programme, The Higher Education Entrepreneurship Development Policy was launched on 13 April 2010. The purpose of this policy is to promote the development of entrepreneurship plans among higher instruction pupils in a holistic mode and well-structured program.The execution of the policy is aim at bring forthing alumnuss which non merely success in academic but besides have the enterprisers attributes, believing and accomplishments, to increase the figure of enterprisers among alumnuss for the accomplishment of economic transmutation ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, n.d ) . ‘Kemahiran Insaniah ‘ plan, one of the attacks introduced by the Ministry of Higher Education ( MOHE ) for the development of human capital among university pupils has outlined entrepreneurship accomplishments as one of the 7 elements as the aims of the plan ( hypertext transfer protocol: //, n.d ) . Before the execution of the entrepreneurship policy by MOHE, UiTM one measure further in develop and back up the entrepreneurship elements among their pupils. UiTM has introduced entrepreneurship classs as an attempt to advance entrepreneurship as a feasible calling option ( Arshad, Buyong, Wahab A ; Salleh, 2011 ) . This can be seen in academic survey program which entrepreneurship class has been highlighted as one of the compulsory topic in some faculities such as Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (, n.d. ) .Other than that, one of the iniatitives is the constitution of Malayan Academy of SME A ; Entrepreneurship Development ( MASMED ) .MASMED is the combination of Pusat Pembangunan Usahawan Malaysia ( MEDEC ) , Tunas Mekar and Entrepreneurship Research and Support Centre ( ERSC ) was established in April 2010 to carry on and form entrepreneurship programmes among UiTM pupils ( hypertext transfer protocol: //,2011 ) .MASMED respo nsible to bring forth enterprisers among the UiTM pupils and to construct the entrepreneurship accomplishments and values among the pupils to better the marketability of employment. ( hypertext transfer protocol: //,2011 ) . Besides the introducing of entrepreneurship class, UiTM exposed the entrepreneurship elements through the extracurricular and club activities ( Arshad, Buyong, Wahab A ; Salleh, 2011 ) . As defined by Dalrymple and Evangelou in 2006, extracurricular activities refer to the activities which are non covered in the university course of study and it will take topographic point outside the category clip. Perlembagaan Persatuan UiTM in 2012 highlighted the activities will be conducted must supply some value to the targeted group, including entrepreneurship, academic, community service and leadership.According to Arshad, Buyong, Wahab and Salleh ( 2011 ) , there are merely 0.6 % of UiTM pupils participated in more than 3 entrepreneurship activities while analyzing. This really little per centum is due to miss of publicity on entrepreneurship activities. To back up the MOHE and UiTM attempts in developing the entrepreneurship elements and involvements among pupils, this undertaking will be attempted to happen an alternate to advance the activities to be conducted by planing a portal and using the entrepreneurship construct and societal entrepreneurship construct was chosen. As one of the pupil association, ISEC was chosen to reflect for this undertaking. Since ISEC do non hold any community battle portal, societal entrepreneurship construct will be applied for the design of ISEC community battle portal ( ICE-Port ) .In suppport MOHE and UiTM entrepreneurial mission, this portal will be functioned as one of the medium for ISEC community to derive information about ISEC and activities planned at the same clip advancing the entrepreneurship activities. 1.2 Problem Statement The non being medium to advance an entrepreneurship activities have causes the pupils to non take part in such activities. In my informal treatment with Information Systems Engineering Club ( ISEC ) commission, current patterns have been applied to advance or inform the pupils about the extracurricular and nine activities is through the societal web medium such as Facebook and through the messaging between the organiser and category representatives.There are issues originate with the current state of affairs such as the pupils do non acquire the information because bash non hold societal web history and category representatives unable to explicate in inside informations about certain activities. And since ISEC is a pupil association, in work outing the job stated, as mentioned before, this undertaking will be focused on the using a type of the entrepreneurship, societal entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurship was chosen because Minister of Higher Education Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin in 2011 said this attack will gives pupils the chance to pattern the procedure of advanced solutions by combine cognition, entrepreneurship, and research experience.The attack, he said, can be used in order to form plans to supply societal alteration to the local community.Resolution of issues or jobs faced by the community, he said, can be addressed through plans organized by their pupils through this attack. This construct more relevant to use among ISEC commission because it is non for net income intiatives ( Austin, Stevenson A ; Wei-Skiller, 2003 ) and the net income addition will be re-invested to the ISEC community. 1.3 Aim To use sosial entrepreneurship construct for the design of ISEC Community Engagement Portal ( ICE-Port ) . 1.4 Aims The chief aims of this undertaking are: 1. To place societal entrepreneurshipconcept. 2. To place the functionalities for ISEC Community Engagement Portal ( ICE-Port ) harmonizing to societal entrepreneurship construct. 3. To plan the ICE-Port. 1.5 Scope The execution of this undertaking is to help ISEC Committee in using the entrepreneurial constructs in their activities and prosecute the community of ISEC. 1.6 Undertaking Stakeholders The possible stakeholders for this undertaking are: 1. MASMED Staff 2. ISEC Committee. 1.7 Significance of Undertaking 1. Development Team. This undertaking can help those who are interested to implement this undertaking further.This is because this undertaking will plan the undertaking harmonizing to the societal entrepreneurship constructs and it will do easy for them to develop the system. 2. ISEC Community. Once the undertaking have been implemented, it will give benefits to ISEC commission and community in footings of prosecuting the community and the information sing ISEC activities can be informed in more proper ways. Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW This chapter purpose to reexamine the relevant literature of the portal development construct, community battle construct and societal entrepreneurship construct. 2.1 Portal Development 2.1.1 Definition of Portal. The portal is an individual log-on online campus services which would supply pupils with entree to online university web sites, and class information from any location. ( Cabacungan, Clark, Feldman, Flamm, Ford, etc.,2002 ) . ( n.d, as cited in Maltz, 2005 ) defined a portal as a web site or service which provides many services and maps such as intelligence, hunt engines, electronic mail, forums which can pull a immense figure of users. Whereas â€Å" What is Portal † ( n.d ) defined portal as all in one web sites which contains the aggregation of information from different beginnings and incorporate it with individual entree point.Tatnall ( 2005 ) described portals as a door which enables users to entree to the other web sites by utilizing cyberspace, intranet or extranet. 2.1.2 Portal Categorization There are many types of portals as listed byTatnall in 2005 as described below: 1. General/Mega Portals. The end for this portal is to go the mainpage for their user to entree to the other websites.Free electronic mail, links to chew the fat room, shopping web sites, contains the information and intelligence about athleticss and current issues are some of the services provided by the general portal.They make their money through the advertizement, and the success of this portal are measured by their figure of visitants. 2. Vertical Industry Portals. These portals fundamentally focused on the specific industries such as wellness attention, bivouacing equipment and steel merchandises. 3. Horizontal Industry Portals. These portals are based around a group of industries and it provide their user with the information on a broad country of subjects. 4. Community Portals. It managed by community groups to portion their common involvements among each other. 5. Enterprise Information Portals. This portal designed for business-to-employee ( B2E ) processes. It enable the employees to entree and portion data.Usually can be entree utilizing intranet connexion. 6. E-marketplace Portals. It is an drawn-out of endeavor information portals but it can be entree to a company ‘s extranet connexion. Very helpful for business-to-business procedures such as engagement, reserve and supply of points. The purpose to cut down cost and to guarantee the services or order will get on clip 7. Personal/Mobile Portals. This portal was designed to do easy for nomadic user to pass on particularly from a distance. 8. Information Portals. This portal contains specific types of information such the athleticss information portals dedicated to supply information about athleticss. 2.1.3 Common Features of Portal. A research done by Butters in 2003 shown there are common characteristics in portal development. He listed as below: Utilities which includes electronic mail history, calendar and contriver. User profiling-The information about an user based on their involvements and background ( Schiaffino A ; Amandi, 2009 ) . Resource find including subject-specific and individual mark on. News/News provender. Community communicating which contains message boards and on-line treatment. Advertising refers as the advertizements through the utilizing of cyberspace. Maltz in 2005 listed the common characteristics of portal as below: Single mark on- A individual user designation and watchword will enable a user to entree all authorized systems without holding to log on in individually ( Anchan and Pegah, 2003 ) . Role-Based hallmark Newss and proclamation. Search engine. Calendar. Student information system. Directories Harmonizing to Cabacungan, Clark, Feldman, Flamm, Ford, etc ( 2002 ) , agreed with Maltz in naming the common standards of pupil portal specifically. They added pupil portal should hold: Learning Management System-Is an information system that monitors the acquisition classs and keeps path of pupil advancement records ( Brown A ; Johnson, 2007 ) . From a research based on the literature reappraisal, a functionalities that serves in pupil portal should hold characteristics as shows in the following tabular array. No. Title Author / Source Identified Functionalities 1. What features in portal? Butters, 2003 ‘http: // -Utilities -User profiling -Resource find -News -Community Communication -Advertising -Leisure -Miscellaneous services. 2. Leadership development plan 2001/2002: Student portal undertaking. Cabacungan, Clark, Feldman, Flamm, Ford, etc.,2005. -Single mark on -Role-Based Authentication -Learning Management System -Search engine -Calendar -Student Information System. 3. Portals: A Personal Door to the Information Enterprise Maltz,2005 -Single mark on -Role-Based Authentication -Search engine -Calendar -Student Information System. -News and proclamation -Directories. 2.4.2 Types of Open Source For Portal Development. In this subdivision, researcher place several unfastened beginning application model to be choose for the planing the ICE-Port prototype.There are several application model identified, as described below. 1. Jetspeed. Harmonizing to ( n.d ) , Jetspeed, written in Java linguistic communication is a Apache Sofware Foundation merchandise, an unfastened beginning for the development a portal. Released under the Apache License, all entree to the portal is controlled through a portal security policy Provided tools for developers and user interface interior decorators, the purpose of Jetspeed is to let the rapidly portal development. It supports a assortment of entree medium such as web browsers and nomadic devices and has been widely implemented. 2.uPortal Using an unfastened standards-based engineerings such as Java and XML, uPortal provided an easy individual mark on campus application and stop user customization.A particular factor of uPortal is it is focal points on the development of universities portal. However, it still provided the common characteristics of portal. 3.LifeRay Portal A free MIT licensing fees, LifeRay is designed for easiness of usage and provided functionalities such as web logs, wikis and message boards.It allows the terminal users to custom-make their pages utilizing predefined portlets or appliance. Jetspeed uPortal LifeRay Beginnings Table 2.4.1: Comparison between unfastened beginning to be selected and used for prototyping. 2.2 Community Engagement 2.2.1 Definition. In the Principles of Community Engagement Second Edition, the writers described community battle as: â€Å" †¦ the procedure of working collaboratively with and through groups of people affiliated by geographic propinquity, particular involvement, or similar state of affairss to turn to issues impacting the wellbeing of those people † . Communities Scotland ( 2007 ) explained community battle is the procedure of affecting people in determinations that affect them, by affecting communities in the planning, development and direction of services. ( n.d ) stated, with the community battle, it can assist: To present the online communicating for campus, groups or nines. Be more efficient in presenting intelligence and proclamation based on the user ‘s function. Support multiple unit with different demands. 2.2.2 Community engagement theoretical account. Harmonizing to Hashagen in 2002, there are 6 theoretical accounts for community battle as described below: 1. Consultation/public engagement theoretical accounts. This theoretical account is frequently use by public governments in acquiring the sentiment from the society and community.It includes studies, forums and treatment and sentiment polls. 2. Asset-based/social economic system theoretical accounts. These focal point on recognizing the value of the physical assets and human resources of a community, and seek to maximize the community control over, and benefit from these assets. 3. Community democracy theoretical accounts. These set out to widen local democracy into the community by, in consequence, set uping an informal community grade of authorities. 4.Identify based theoretical accounts. Typically it is come from the minority groups. 5. Learning-led and popular instruction theoretical accounts. It focused on edifice and back uping the accomplishments and involvements among community members.It will inform the members about preparation, employment and accomplishments development chances. 6.Service development theoretical accounts. This theoretical account purpose to assist in place the community jobs and happen a manner to work out the job. For illustration this theoretical account was applied by young person nine, athleticss nine and many other nines by act as a voluntary. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation as cited by†¦ †¦ listed community battle theoretical accounts in 5 ways: 1.Providing Information. Supply information about activities to the community. 2.Consultation. Community allowed to give any feedback or sentiments sing any issues. 3.Deciding together. Involved community in determination devising. 4.Acting together. Making and moving together in determination devising. 5.Supporting independent community involvement. Gives support to commission to develop their docket. No. Title Author / Source Identified Models 1. Models of Community Engagement Hashagen, 2003 ‘https: // ‘ -Consultation/public engagement theoretical accounts. -Asset-Based/social economic system theoretical accounts. -Community democracy theoretical accounts. -Identify based theoretical accounts. -Learning-led and popular instruction theoretical accounts. -Service development theoretical accounts. 2. Good pattern in community battle from an equalitive position. Equality and Human Rights Commission,2009. ‘http: // ‘ -Providing information. -Consultation. -Deciding together. -Acting together. -Supporting independent community involvement. Table 2.2.2 The theoretical accounts of community battle. From the reappraisal of community battle theoretical account, researcher choose to use the theoretical accounts as described by Equality and Human Right Commission in 2009, which are the combination of supplying information theoretical account, audience, moving together and back uping independent community involvement model.Researcher found all these theoretical accounts more relevant to be applied because ICE-Port will supply the information about the ISEC and plans will be conducted, let community to give an sentiment about any related issues, and it will give support to community to develop their docket. 2.3 Entrepreneurship 2.3.1 Definition Harmonizing Martin and Osberg ( 2007 ) , entrepreneurship can be defined as the designation, ability and chance to make a new concern or endeavor with the purpose to convey something new to the universe. Entrepreneurship can be referred as the procedure of making something new which has to hold value to the stakeholders, or people for which it is developed, have return values to an enterpriser and presuming hazards such as fiscal, phsycological and societal countries ( Hisrich, Robert, Peters A ; Shepherd, 2005 ) . defined entrepreneurship as the ability and preparedness to take any hazards in order to do a net income through the development and organisation of concern venture. 2.3.2 Types of entrepreneurship Blank ( 2011 ) listed there are 4 types of entrepreneurship which can be described as below: Business Entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneurship Is an entrepreneurship construct which focuses on the resolution of societal demands by producig merchandises and services.It can be for net income or non net income but it is non to make net income for the investors. 2.3.3 Entrepreneurship rules. 2.4 Social Entrepreneurship 2.4.1 Definition. Hibbert, Hogg and Quinn in 2001 has defined societal entrepreneurship as the using the entrepreneuship rules for societal mission impact instead than for net incomes and that net incomes will be used to work out a societal demands to specific group.While Pomerantz in 2003 defined societal entrepreneurship as either single societal enterprisers and non-profit organisations action in the development of advanced, mission supporting and making jobs.Lasprogata and Cotton ( 2003 ) agreed societal entrepreneurship as the non- net incomes organisations approach which will give a greater impact on their societal mission by using the entrepreneurial rules. Social entrepreneurship as defined by Dees is the combination of societal rules and concern rules and it is differentiated from the other types of entrepreneurship by its mission related impact ( Barley, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to Seelos and Mair ( 2005 ) , societal entrepreneurship refers to the attempt for compitently fulfill basic homo demands which unable to fulfill by utilizing current system. It is besides the combination between the traditional entrepreneurship with some added value to alter society. Nicholls ( 2006 ) agreed societal entrepreneurship as the utilizing the existing resources to convey societal impacts through the advanced activities and making new opportunities.Mair ( 2008 ) besides defined societal entrepreneurship as the procedure to fulfill basic demands which unable to fulfill by the organisations involved with the aim to do betterment in societal and economic structure.In other words, societal entrepreneurship can be defined as the designation of new solution and chances to address the job of unequal distribution of societal which consequences from conventional systems ( â€Å" Defining Social Entrepreneurship † , n.d ) . Another definition by Zadek and Thake ( 1997, as cited in Noruzi, Westover A ; Rahimi, 2010 ) societal entrepreneurship is the invention with the mission to make societal impact instead than personal or profit impact. As cited in SME ‘s Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2010, Cochran ( 2007 ) defined societal entrepreneurship as the resolution of societal jobs by using the entrepreneurship principles.Zhara, Gedajlovic, Neubaum, Shulman ( 2008 ) as cited by SME ‘s, Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2010 suggested societal entrepreneurship as the mission to convey societal wealth through its activities and making new chances and ventures in an advanced manner. 2.4.2 Differences between societal entrepreneurship and concern entrepreneurship There are many treatment about the differences between concern and societal entrepreneurship. Boschee and McClurg ( 2003 ) distinguish the concern and societal entrepreneurship as stated below: Social Responsibility Business entrepreneurship by and large do no set a direct attempt on work outing the societal jobs. This signifier of entrepreneurship dramas their societal functions through charity plan such as contribution and hold a good relationship with their employees. Whereas societal entrepreneurship attempt are straight attached to societal jobs. For illustration the societal enterprisers will engage handicapped, populating in poorness and former captives who are hard to acquire a occupation. Performance Measurement Business entrepreneurship measured their public presentation by fiscal consequences. The success or failure of undertaking is determined by the economic value to the proprietors or investors. Social entrepreneurship public presentation are measured by both societal and fiscal returns The net income are re-invested to accomplish the societal mission. Mair and Marti in 2006 described the differences between concern and societal entrepreneurship as below: Aims. Business entrepreneurship precedence given to economic value. Whereas societal entrepreneurship precedence given to societal value. This does non intend the net incomes do non necessary in societal entrepreneurship, it is besides of import to guarantee the attempt sustainability and autonomy. Uhlig ( n.d ) with the same sentiment besides stated: Percept of Value. For concern entrepreneurship, the enterpriser and investors will concentrate for the return on investing as the chief value. While societal entrepreneurship lies in the societal impact and benefits which can work out the societal jobs and demands. The value for net income besides of import to re-invested for the following societal entrepreneurship activities. Wealth Creation Approach. â€Å" The concern entrepreneurship is driven to introduce within a commercial market, to the ultimate benefit of consumers. If successful, the invention creates wealth. The venture ‘s success is gauged by how much wealth it creates † . â€Å" To the societal entrepreneurship, wealth creative activity is necessary, but non for its ain interest. Rather, wealth is merely a tool the enterpriser uses to consequence societal alteration. The grade to which heads are changed, enduring is alleviated or unfairness is reversed represents the organisation ‘s success. † 2.4.3 Differences between societal entrepreneurship and charity ( traditional non-profit ) Social entrepreneurship besides differed from charity. Meldrum in 2011 described the differences as below: Role of Social Value Creation. The charity exist to redistribute income aggregation to those needed. While societal entrepreneurship making the new thoughts in order to better and give benefits to society. Social Structure. Charity works within bing constructions in society. However, societal entrepreneurship will place the societal jobs and creates chances to work out the job. Purpose. Charity to ease of load while societal entrepreneurship intent is to better the societal status. Fiscal In footings of fiscal, charity chiefly financed through contribution while societal entrepreneurship financed through the conducted activities. While Boschee and McClurg in 2003 differentiate societal entrepreneurship and traditional non net income as belows: Sustainability and Autonomy. Charity has been driven by a dependence theoretical account, trusting chiefly on voluntarism and governement or upper direction support in footings of income.The writers besides believed every bit long as the charity organisation depends on the 3rd party, they will ne’er go sustainable and self sufficient. For societal entrepreneurship, the aid from the authorities and voluntary are welcome, but they do non chiefly depends on it. Based on the definition and comparing between societal entrepreneurship construct and the other constructs, in general, societal entrepreneurship can be clearly described as below: Characteristics/ Beginnings Social Mission Business Principles Non-Profit For-Profit Invention Hibbert, Hogg A ; Quinn ( 2001 ) / / / / Pomerantz ( 2003 ) / / / Lasprogata A ; Cotton ( 2003 ) / / / / Dees as cited by Barley ( 2009 ) / / Seelos A ; Mair ( 2005 ) / / Nicholls ( 2006 ) / / Mair ( 2008 ) / Specifying Social Entrepreneurship ( n.d ) . / / Zadek and Thake ( 1997 ) cited by Noruzi, Westover A ; Rahimi, 2010 / / / / Cochran ( 2007 ) as cited by SME ‘s Entrepreneurship and Innovation ( 2010 ) / / Zhara, Gedajlovic, Neubaum, Shulman ( 2008 ) , as cited by SME ‘s Entrepreneurship and Innovation ( 2010 ) / / / Austin, Stevenson, Wei-Killer ( 2006 ) / Meldrum ( 2011 ) / / Uhlig ( n.d ) / / Boschee A ; McClur ( 2003 ) / / / Table 2.4 The component of societal entrepreneurship From the literature reappraisal, research worker has identified the societal entrepreneurship construct related to be applied for the design of ICE-Port. In general, all the literature stated shared the same thoughts about the societal entrepreneurship that are its nonsubjective is to decide the societal job, and the plans are societal enterprisers invention and it is applied concern entrepreneurship rules. Social entrepreneurship besides is for non-profit organisation which deriving and re-investing net income for the following entrepreneurial programs.From the literature, researcher agreed on Hibbert, Hogg and Quinn review.They has defined societal entrepreneurship as the using the entrepreneuship rules for societal mission impact instead than for net incomes and that net incomes will be used to work out a societal demands to specific group.This sentiment more relevant for this undertaking because it is non merely concentrate on the societal mission but besides using entrepreneursh ip rules as stated in the literature early.Since ISEC is a non-profit association, the net income addition from the plans conducted will be reinvested for the following ISEC programs.This undertaking besides will non merely focuses on ISEC community societal demands, but it will looking to the broad country of societal jobs which can non be satisfy by the conventional approach.From the research worker position, it is non needfully to introduce new plans, but it can besides accommodate the being societal mission plans, harmonizing to UiTM pupils environment. 2.4.4 Features in Social Entrepreneurship Websites. Dees ( 2001 ) stated the term of societal entrepreneurship may be something new but the phenomenon is non. There are many societal enterprisers before even cipher name them with that term.For a long clip, entrepreneurship does benefits society by bring forthing new, utile and valuable merchandises and provides more occupation chances. ( Austin, Stevenson A ; Skillern, 2006 ) . Martin A ; Osberg ( 2001 ) besides stated the rebranding by utilizing the societal entrepreneurship term is quickly pulling attending from many sectors. In 2006, the Nobel Prize Award to Mohammad Yunus, the laminitis for the Gramen Bank which has helped 1000s of people, largely adult females, out of poorness, thrust societal entrepreneurship into the planetary attending ( Noruzi, Westover A ; Rahimi, 2010 ) . He believed that the hapless people have under-utilized accomplishments because of the conservative systems and constructions fail to supply the necessary resources to them. From this issue, he founded the Gramen Bank in 1976 to supply loans to the hapless people in his hometown, Bangladesh ( Seelos A ; Mair,2005 ) .Other than Yunus, there are many societal enterprisers and they are utilizing internet platform in advancing their societal mission.Researcher have done some reappraisal on the societal entrepreneurship websites to place the characteristics of societal entrepreneurship web sites. Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) In support their pupils societal involvements and demands, MIT provide a broad scope of support for societal activities.It aid pupils to acquire involved in the societal issues and function communities itself.The characteristics provided in hypertext transfer protocol: // are: What We Do-Describes the activities among their communities involved such as volunteering plan, family and internship, grants and service acquisition. Opportunities-Includes the public service undertakings outside the campus such as: Service Fair -It ‘s a great chance to happen out about community service that matches your involvements. Civic Engagement-Interaction among communities and authorities including take part in political mass meeting and vote enrollment. Yunus Challenge-New waste development such as medical equipment waste and waste direction. Davis Project For Peace-For MIT undergraduate pupils, this plan provide $ 10 000 family for undertaking that promotes peace, to be implemented during a summer. Support the PSC with donation-Special plans for MIT alumnas association who want to maintain back uping the plan by give a contribution. Buzzbank Buzzbnk is an online crowd support platform that advancing societal ventures to all walks of life and gaining fund for the demands of the community to do the thoughts become world. The community can pass their money and clip, and besides convey the societal message among their friends.Buzzbnk charges 5 percent fee on fund raised for each venture.According to https: // , the characteristics were included are: Explore Projects contains the lists of undertaking have done and approaching projects.Examples of undertakings are Provide Sustainable Homes for Women, Pants to Poverty and Our No Spray Potato Can Feed the World. Searching which specified on the societal entrepreneurship elements such as hunt for highest support undertaking, highest support sum, most popular undertaking and merely started project.Users besides can seek based on the classs such as animate beings, art, instruction and environment. Make a Loan-The inside informations on how to be the fundraiser. Submit Project- Allow their community to convey the thought to do support become world. Kiva Was founded in 2005, Kiva is a non-profit organisation with a mission to prosecute people through their activities in cut downing the poorness rate.Kiva lets persons impart from $ 25 to assist people in need.Social entrepreneurship characteristics included in Kiva web site, hypertext transfer protocol: // are: How Kiva works-Describe the procedures to affect in Kiva activities. Kiva Social Performance-Identify single societal public presentation strength such as Anti-Poverty, Vulnerable Group and Family and Community Empowerment. Community-contains list of members which have lend their money harmonizing to the specific societal group such as alumnas, concern, spiritual, young person and athleticss. Get down some good Harmonizing to Ueland ( 2011 ) , Start Some Good is a site for societal enterprisers to gather a community and raise the financess needed to make alteration. Its end is to be the best platform for societal enterprisers to establish and turn the advanced ventures needed to better communities and the universe. Anyone including for- net income and non-profit-making organisation can affect in fund-raising runs. It charges 5 per centum of the sum raised.Features included in hypertext transfer protocol: // are: Support good-Promoting and back uping the societal activities organized by the other party. Discover good-Contains lists of discover ventures such as Do Good Bus, Real Good Food and LearnToLive. Start good-The community can get down and propose their thoughts on societal ventures and the Start some good committe will supply the resources to get down the activities.This is to enable their community to make the hereafter they want for their communities. Community-Start some good community enrollment and battle. From a research based on the literature reappraisal, a functionalities that serves in societal entrepreneurship web sites should hold characteristics as shows in the following tabular array. Features/Organization Massachusetts institute of technology Buzzbnk Kiva Get down some good How it works? / / / Allow community to get down any new undertaking / / / Lists of undertakings / / / / Searching based on societal service involvements / / / / Alumni societal services plans. / / / Table 2.4.4 Social Entrepreneurship websites characteristics. The reappraisal on the common characteristics of societal entrepreneurship web sites besides help researcher to understand its concept.From the literature reappraisal of the common websites characteristics of societal entrepreneurship construct, research worker can reason the of import characteristics to be included are how does the portal work for the societal enterprisers to affect and show their thoughts towards the activities to be conducted, the different societal entrepreneurship undertakings classs such as about environment, humanity, animate beings and education.Other than that, the portal users should able to happen the societal plans harmonizing to their involvements and the ISEC alumnas should acquire involved in the plans by carry oning the particular societal mission plans for them. 2.4 Summary. In this subdivision, the treatment of related literature reappraisal has been made to back up this undertaking. From the analysis of the Table 2.4, research worker has agreed with Hibbert, Hogg and Quinn reappraisal. Basically all of the writers shared the same thought, but the thought from these writers more relevant to be applied in ICE-Port.From the Table 2.4.4, research worker has choose to unite the all 4 common characteristics from the societal entrepreneurship web sites, which are the description of the process to be involved in the plan conducted, it will let their community to get down any new undertaking, ICE-Port besides will included the list of the undertakings with the inside informations, provide hunt map based on societal enterprisers involvement and will let ISEC alumnas to acquire involved with the plans. Chapter 3 PROJECT METHODOLOGY This chapter describes about undertaking methodological analysis, stages, activities and its deliverables. 3.1 Methodology. This undertaking uses the methodological analysis as described in Figure 3.1 as a guideline to accomplish the purpose of the undertaking. It consists of three stages. This methodological analysis is of import to guarantee the aims of this undertaking can be achieved. Figure 3.1 illustrates the overview of the undertaking attack and methodological analysis that will be used in planing the ICE-Port. Phase Activities Deliverables Problem Designation -Discuss current job with ISEC commission. -Collect the diary and articles and analyze on societal entrepreneurship construct. -Review the literatures on the common characteristics of pupil portal. -Review the literatures on the common characteristics of societal entrepreneurship web sites -Description of job statement, purpose, acope, aims and the significance of undertaking. -The construct of societal entrepreneurship identified. -The common characteristics of pupil portal identified. -The common characteristics of pupil portal identified. 1st objective-Project proposal. Requirement and Analysis -Analysis and choosing functionalities for ICE-Port. -Analysis and choosing the functionalities of ICE-Port with the societal entrepreneurship construct. – Requirement confirmation Develop paradigm of ICE Port on selected SE functionalities. Create confirmation cheque templet. -Verify functionalities of a SE in ICE-Port through paradigm presentation with the user. -Description of functionalities of ICE-Port as harmonizing to SE construct. -SE functionalities for ICE-Port are identified. -The paradigm for ICE-Port is demonstrated and verified. -Checklist of confirmation on paradigm. -SRS 2nd nonsubjective Design -Designing theoretical account Identify suited application model Customized the design of selected application model harmonizing to SE functionalities -ICE-Port paradigm designed. -SDD -Project presentation by using SE paradigm. 3rd nonsubjective Figure 3.1 Project Methodology. 3.2 Methodology Description 3.2.1 Problem Identification Phase. In this stage, a preliminary interview session is prepared to help the research worker to behavior an interview.The purpose of carry oning the interview is to place the job of the undertaking. For this undertaking, research worker has done informal treatment with ISEC commission. Problem statement, the purpose, range, aims and significance of the undertaking has been identified.To derive the apprehension on the societal entrepreneurship construct, research worker has collect and analyse the diaries and articles on societal entrepreneurship.Researcher besides has reappraisal on the common characteristics of portal and societal entrepreneurship web sites. The deliverables of this stage are the description of job statement, undertaking purpose, aims, range and significance of undertaking, societal entrepreneurship construct designation, the common characteristics of pupil portal and societal entrepreneurship web sites, undertaking agenda and the undertaking proposal. 3.2.2 Requirement and Analysis. In this stage, the activities to be conducted are analysis the functionalities of ICE- Port harmonizing to the societal entrepreneurship construct and the identified functionalities will be selected for the design of ICE-Port. The demand confirmation will be conducted through the paradigm presentation with the user. The deliverables of this stage are the description of functionalities of ICE-Port as harmonizing to societal entrepreneurship construct, the checklist on the confirmation of paradigm and SRS will besides be produced. 3.2.3 Design. In the design stage, research worker will happen and place the suited application model for the development of portal and theoretical account will be designed. The selected application model will be customized harmonizing to societal entrepreneurship functionalities. The deliverables of this stage are SDD, and planing the concluding paradigm for ICE-Port. 3.3 Summary. This chapter discussed on the methodological analysis to be used for the project.Project methodological analysis is of import for the research worker as a guideline and guarantee the research worker to non divert from the undertaking scope.Currently, this undertaking has done the first stage that is job designation. Chapter 4 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Chapter 5 Undertaking Plan This subdivision will depict the undertaking program and work breakdown construction for this undertaking. 5.1 Project Timeline The planned agenda of this undertaking as described in Table 5.1 below. No Undertaking Duration ( Days ) Start End 1 Semester 5 – Undertaking Formulation 105 10 Sep 2012 27 Dis 2012 2 Problem Designation 7 10 Sep 2012 17 Sep 2012 3 Identify Research Area 4 Identify Supervisor A A A 5 Individual Assessment 94 21 Sep 2012 27 Dis 2012 6 Undertaking Topic 2 21 Sep 2012 23 Sep 2012 7 Preliminary Probe 14 24 Sep 2012 8 Oct 2012 8 Research Background 5 15 Oct 2012 19 Oct 2012 9 Undertaking Aim, Scope, Objective and Problem Statement Submission 2 4 Nov 2012 6 Nov 2012 10 Literature Review Submission 1 3 Nov 2012 4 Nov 2012 11 Develop Research Methodology 9 5 Nov 2012 13 Nov 2012 12 Mock Up Presentation 2 17 Nov 2012 18 Nov 2012 13 Proposal Presentation 17 A 26 Nov 2012 A 13 Dis 2012 14 Proposal Submission 17 10 Dis 2012 27 Dis 2012 No Undertaking Duration ( Weeks ) Start ( Month ) 1 Semester 6 – Undertaking Formulation 12 2 Requirement Analysis 3 Analysis and choosing the functionalities of ICE-Port with the societal entrepreneurship construct. 4 Feb 2013 4 Fixing SRS and paradigm 4 March2013 5 Requirement Verification and Validation 1 April2012 6 7 Design 8 Find suited application architecture model. 9 Identify design of selected application model 1 April 2013 10 11 SDD and Prototype 12 Customized the design of selected model harmonizing to SE functionalities 4 May 2013 Table 5.1 The undertaking timeline is of import to gauge the continuance of your undertaking, and place order in which activities should be performed.Currently this undertaking has done with Semester 5 undertaking preparation timeline.The following phases will be started on February 2003.The undertaking appraisal by utilizing Gantt Chart is attached in the Appendix subdivision. Chapter 6 ANTICIPATED RESULT AND CONCLUSION This chapter discusses the description of the expected consequence of proposed undertaking and the decision. 6.1 Anticipated Consequence The awaited consequence from this undertaking is to plan an ICE-Port based on the analysis of the identified societal entrepreneurship concept.The design will be represented in a paradigm and SDD.This undertaking is expected to be completed in two semesters ( refer to the undertaking agenda in Appendix ) . 6.2 Decision The execution of this undertaking tends to turn to the less of the engagement in the entrepreneurship activities jobs among UiTM pupils. Since ISEC commission confronting a job on advancing their activities to the community, ISEC was chosen to reflect for this project.Social entrepreneurship construct was chosen because it is more suited in the pupils environment.With the awaited consequence explained above, it is expectantly that this undertaking will give benefits for the ISEC community and the proclamation or publicity for the entrepreneurship activities can be more effectual and attractive. Appendix Academic survey program which entrepreneurship class has been highlighted as one of the compulsory topic in some faculities.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Discussion - Pathology of the Cardiovascular System Essay

Discussion - Pathology of the Cardiovascular System - Essay Example Common symptoms include discomfort, aching, burning, pain, and fatigue in the lower muscles of the feet, thighs or calves. The symptoms at first may appear only during long walking distances, walking uphill or when walking faster. They then become persistent even with little or no exercise involving the legs. The legs become numb when the individual rests and the skin appearance turns pale. The touch of the legs is usually cold. Severe cases of PAD may lead to ulcers that do not heal, impotence, extreme pain when the legs are elevated and improvement when they are dangled, pain in the toes or feet even at the weight of bed sheets. The signs include loss of hair in the affected leg or feet, weak or no pulse in the limbs and a whooshing sound when a stethoscope examines the artery. In extreme cases, the signs are thick toenails, cyanosis, and shrinking of the calf muscles. Individuals’ self-care like balancing exercises and rest, reducing weight, quitting smoking, controlling blood pressure and monitoring blood sugar levels helps treat PAD. Medications like Aspirin or Clopidogrel, Cilostazol and pain relievers are used. In extremes, surgery may be performed with the options of peripheral artery bypass of the leg or angioplasty and stent placement of the